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Save Anders' Savings!
this is a library that has grown from my hacking around with javascript and dhtml. many dhtml functions only work in explorer because that's what the content system that i'm working on uses. be sure to view the sourcecode to see how things are built. my motto is "keep it simple, you idiot!". email me with any comments / suggestions at the address at the bottom of this page. hint: if you are trying to do a formName.submit( ) in exploiter and you are getting "no such method" type errors, make sure you haven't named any other form elements "submit" because that screws up exploiter.

in other news, here is a table of some url escape codes:

character code      character code
space %20 < %3c
> %3e # %23
% %25 { %7b
} %7d | %7c
\ %5c ^ %5e
~ %7e [ %5b
] %5d ' %60
; %53b / %2f
? %3f : %3a
@ %40 = %3d
& %26 $ %24